Mobile wifi router rental company with foreign language support in Japan

It would be wonderful for your trip if you could easily look up good restaurants and great tourist spots in Japan anywhere.
I recommend you a rental mobile wifi which you can rent for a short period of time.
Rental mobile wifi will enrich your travel and life in Japan.
But you feel uneasy.
Japanese language is difficult. Will my language be understood?
To ease your anxiety, I introduce here rental pocket wifi with support for foreign languages other than Japanese.

This page describes the content below.

  • List of Japanese mobile wifi rental companies that provide services in languages other than Japanese
  • Features of each rental mobile wifi company, how to apply, where to deliver, and how to receive your rental mobile wifi.
  • The locations of public institutions where you can receive your rental mobile wifi.

Does this page have the information you want to know?
This site contains information on .fiber optics line, home routers, mobile wifi, sim cards, and free wifi.


Mobile wifi rental companies that offer services in foreign languages other than Japanese.

I will come to Japan and travel. You are going to live in Japan.
I recommend “Ninja wifi” or “wifi rental store(wifi レンタル屋さん)” as a mobile wifi rental company for you.
The reason I recommend these two to you is because they have foreign language support.
Japanese is very difficult.
And many Japanese are not good at foreign languages.
When you have trouble with your rented mobile wifi, you will be in trouble with Japanese only company.
So I recommend you a rental mobile wifi company with foreign language support other than Japanese.

Comparison of recommended wifi rental stores

Mobile wifi rental companies that offer services in foreign languages other than Japanese.

The wifi rental shop delivery procedure is as follows.
The basic method of mobile wifi application and delivery is as follows
Apply online and pay by credit card

Delivery by mail to the airport, designated post office, home or hotel, etc.


Return by shipping from the post with the envelope included at the time of delivery

I have created a comparison of the two rental stores.
Please take a look at the comparison. If you want to know more, I have included detailed information.

Ninja wifiwifi rental store(wifi レンタル屋さん)
Home pageEnglish/繁體中文/ JapaneseEnglish / 簡体字/繁体字 / Japanese
telephone supportJapaneseEnglish/Japanese
Email supportEnglish/Chinese/Korean/JapaneseEnglish/Japanese
Pick up airport & mailairport & mail
Rental FeeUnlimited 990 yen/day390yen~650yen/day
OptionalBreakage insurance
Medical coverage
Breakage insurance
 Additional battery

” Ninja wifi “ more information

Ninja wifi

Ninja wifi is a rental mobile wifi provided by vision Inc.
Vision Inc. operates wifi rental business all over the world.
It is a major rental wifi company in Japan.
Ninja wifi is a bit expensive but has a lot of guaranteed support.
And they also offer a translator as an option. Please take a look.

Home PageEnglish/ Traditional Chinese/ Japanese
Phone supportJapanese
E-mail supportEnglish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese
Available AirportsNarita Airport, Haneda Airport, Kansai International Airport, Central Japan International Airport (Centrair), Asahikawa Airport, New Chitose Airport, Sendai International Airport, Komatsu Airport, Fukuoka Airport, Kagoshima Airport, Naha Airport
Home delivery pickupConvenient delivery to your hotel, office, parents’ home, friend’s home, or anywhere in Japan on the date and time you specify! Delivery is available until 3:00 p.m. (Japan Standard Time) three days prior to the desired pickup date.
Internet connection typehigh-speed 4g LTE line
Number of connectable devices5 devices
Line speedMaximum downlink speed:最大 187.5Mbps / maximum uplink speed: 37.5 Mbps

※Actual speeds range from 5Mbps to 20Mbps downlink, but are sufficient for browsing the web and watching videos.
Data capacityUnlimited

※Communication speed will be slowed down or stopped if there is an excessive amount of communication of 3 GB or more per day that deviates from normal use.
Rental Fee990 yen per day
Damage insurance220~770 yen per day ※Spare batteries & medical warranty included, depending on price
Separate serviceTranslation machines are available for loan.

Wifi rental store(wifi レンタル屋さん) “ more information

wifi rental shop

Wifi rental store(wi-fiレンタル屋さん) is a wifi rental company operated by J-Field Corporation.
J-Field does a lot of corporate business and is a major wifi rental company.

Wifi rental store is unique in that it offers many types of wifi.
You can make a contract that fits your life style because there are many types.

Home PageEnglish / 簡体字/繁体字 / Japanese
Phone supportEnglish/Japanese
E-mail supportEnglish/Japanese
Available AirportsNarita Airport, Haneda Airport, Kansai International Airport, Central Japan International Airport (Centrair), New Chitose Airport, Fukuoka Airport, Naha Airport, Sendai International Airport , Fukushima Airport, Niigata Airport, Komatsu Airport, Itami Airport, Okayama Airport, Hiroshima Airport, Kitakyushu Airport, Nagasaki Airport, Kagoshima Airport
Home delivery pickupDelivery can be made to a hotel, office, parents’ home, friend’s home, or any other location in Japan at a date and time of your choice.
Internet connection typeSoftbank, au, docomo, and WiMAX companies’ 4G lines
Number of connectable devices7 to 14 units

※Depends on the model
Line speedMaximum downlink speed: 774~150Mbps / maximum uplink speed: 30~50 Mbps

※Actual speeds range from 5Mbps to 20Mbps downlink, but are sufficient for browsing the web and watching videos.
Data capacity


Renatal fee
20GB/month 390 yen/day or 5850 yen/month Softbank line
30GB/month 650 yen/day or 9,750 yen/month
50GB/month 490 yen/day or 7350 yen/month Softbank line
90GB/month 590 yen/day or 8,850 yen/month Use a line with a good signal from au, docomo, or SoftBank
100GB/month 590 yen/day or 8850 yen/month Softbank line
Unlimited 490 yen/day or 7350 yen/month WiMAX line
(When exceeding 10GB/3 days, communication speed is limited from 18:00 pm to 2:00 am the next morning)
OptionsPeace of mind warranty (breakage, damage, water damage)
 550 yen for one-time support during the rental period
Airport pickup 550 yen
Additional battery 50 yen/day
Late fee / 880 yen

Notes on rental mobile wifi

rental wifi caution

Rental mobile wifi is a tool that will give you a great time during your stay in Japan.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind.

They are as follows.

There are many ways to return your rental mobile wifi before you leave Japan, such as at the airport, by mailbox, or by courier service. Please remember to use the method specified by the rental mobile wifi company before leaving Japan. You may be charged for lost, overdue, or shipping fees.

Many rental companies charge by the day, but for longer periods of time, it may be more economical to pay by the month. Please calculate carefully.

There are places where the mobile signal is weak. If you go to different places and always need a good internet connection, we recommend CLOUD AiR-WiFi AIR-1, which is handled by a wifi rental store, because you can choose the best of the three lines(au,docomo,softbank).

Did you find the information you wanted?
If you want other information, please look at the other pages.
This site has information on fiber optics line, home routers, mobile wifi, sim cards, and free wifi.
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I have worked for a lifeline company for over 15 years.
I would like to introduce about internet information in Japan.


